Friday morning up at 6:00 a.m. and dash out to the studio to finish trimming pots. The kiln is still down and parts should arrive today. Trimming before 7 a.m. is just nuts and just trying to center pots before my first cup of coffee is really nuts!
Done by 9:30 a.m. and in the house for breakfast, pack and shower. The phone starts ringing....arghhh! All I need to do is collect my dangling participles and get outta Dodge........ impossible!
Had hoped to be on the road by 10 a.m. I pulled out of the driveway brushing my teeth and spitting out the window! Wonder if toothpaste takes car paint off? and now I think I remember my Mother telling me never to spit into the wind.
Blow dry my hair the same time I am spitting out the wind and wondering if Crest will take out my new highlights.
Oh well I am groomed and coiffed in the 2/70 Salon (2 windows down, 70 mph)
Catch a glimpse in the rear view mirror and scream as I look a bit golden retriever - ish.
I just don't care as......... I AM ON VACATION FOR 24 HOURS!
Left at 11 am and zoomed down Rt 71 on bright sunny day! Is this really November? Skies are blue, temperatures are in the 70's, car windows are down and the Beach Boys are playing on the radio. Wow, life is good! The opening is at 6 p.m, no problem. Pretty uneventful trip, gas was even somewhat reasonable at $2.59 a gallon and in that new little car I can afford to hit the road again. I am slowly getting my life back and loving it!
Pulled into Dolita's right on time with my pumpkin roll, for the gallery opening, defrosted in the back seat, mugs for everyone I owe a mug to, camera, toothbrush and a clean pair of undies shoved in my camera bag. Ahhhhh, the Dohrman B&B (far from a hostel, my usual digs)
The coffee is always hot, the bourbon ready to pour and the company fantastic. Hello's, hugs and hey, get in the car we are going to be late! Linda Bowman rambled down the driveway carrying a wheel of Brie cheese wrapped in phyllo dough hot from the oven! The Nissan is full. Across the bridge and on our way to the opening in New Albany, IN. right across the river. Gallery on Pearl here we come........... bless Gene for driving and coming along for the ride, bet he never volunteers for this again!
I attended this gallery opening last year and it was packed, as were the pots from the Louisville Clay Guild in the small gallery.
This year........... WOW! New open, beautiful space! Great pots and lovely potters. I think we were all happy & beaming while g'noshing on delightful sweets, savory tartlets, washing it down with a bev-ie of choice while greeting friends and critiquing pots......... well some of us critiqued pots. You can't "love" everything and really you should be able to defend a piece of crap if you say you "Love" it. Yes, I almost choked on my pumpkin roll.
I love shows like this! The diversity is mind numbing, just like the food and even the artists! Everything from demented squirrels to a sweet little flask. Then there is stuff that makes me think the Guild really should award prizes; like 10 free throwing lessons. But hey they are there, they showed up and they love what they made, the only defense.......... LOOK WHAT I MADE! Right on! Those are the folks who usually go over and buy a delicious Laura Ross pot for $120 and love that tea pot just as much. You just gotta love potters!
The opening ended around 8 p.m. it was great. We ran to a nifty little spot called "Dittos" and had a late night Mojito, salad and more talking about pots, equipment, what we were working on in the studio and out of the studio. Back in the car, say our goodbyes to Linda and dash inside to catch up. I think we talked until well after midnight. When the yawns were bigger then the laughs it was time to turn in. Tossed and turned all night thinking about what I should be doing in the studio, kilns to fix and deadlines due on Tuesday and Wed. But I am in this big wonderful bed after a great evening and yes folks .........
Life really is good.
Up at the crack of dawn, dress, make coffee and sit down to read a magazine on Fine Gardening. I hear rapid feet racing down the stairs and just know it's not Gene. Nope....... MORNING! Coffee is made, conversation takes up where it left off last night.
Off to the studio to get the pugmill working, no success! But that is so OK because Gene is in the kitchen making sausage muffings and brewing more hot coffee. Finish up breakfast, grab the pruners and walk around the yard. Whack the ornamentals on our way to the hedge from hell. Pretty sure there is a missing kid in there somewhere or maybe a Buick! Off to the backyard and bit more whacking. Hey ever think about this plant or wait what about this one...... I really think you need a fairy rose back here, the cat will love it. No wait what about an Acer griseum for the front yard?
Oh hey I totally forgot I bought a spray booth and we need to load that in my teeny weeny little car. Gotta love a hatch back!
Fits with room to spare. Back on the road by 11 a.m. and home by night fall.........
back in the studio today and you know.............
Life is still good........