Sunday, December 11, 2011

Craft Boston ......last day from the floor

It has been a show to remember. We opened to a great crowd on Thursday night, looked like a Paris runway show, amazing! Yes, I washed the clay off my shoes and jeans and put on my best frock. Wrapping and packing pottery in frock is nuts. Back to the hotel on Thursday night and flatlined until the next morning.

This has been my best show to date. I am still getting advice to raise my prices but I just did and am comfortable with where I am at the moment. I still retain the thought; my best work is yet to come and when I get there I will price accordingly. My other feeling on this subject; if my boxes are full I tend to get lazy and not go to the studio. Seriously, if your well is full all the time it gets stagnate and I prefer to let the well empty and fill fresh. That works with creativity too whether potting, gardening, cooking etc.

All the artists are chattering about being so happy it's the last show of the season, me too. I find the most difficult part of doing shows is talking for days on end but one must talk if one is to sell work. The solitude of the truck at 2 in the morning will be a blessing.

We are off to hook up the trailer, put in one more day, drive 11 hours home, and start the Solstice/Christmas festivities! Ready to light that fire this year :)

The last three months have been a blurr and I am looking forward to the drive home as I have things to percolate on......

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