Friday, February 7, 2014

getting my groove back......

Sitting here looking out the window this morning ........
Just read Rachael's blog  
then off to read the business blog of why she is there.... Mama Carts.....

After reading both blog posts I am realizing daughter and mother are on a vision quest this year.  As January came and went, along with show dead lines and entry fees I have no idea where I will be selling pots this year.  I do know I need to change the way I do business.  So buckle up! 

having coffee with myself this morning....... 
this is such a plain jane mug but it's my go to comfort mug..

On my way out the door this morning I swore I wouldn't post anymore snow pictures as it's 90 degrees in Benin and your Chaco's are melting into the dusty red dirt streets........ 
but how could I pass this up?  
The snow is so deep you can sneak up on the nut monkeys, my new winter activity..... 
The other winter activity .... Walking out the door, usually pre-sun up, early morning and have my nose hairs freeze up!  Serious face contortions and weird noises!  This morning with the wind, -15.  but behind the barn, no wind, -3..... staying behind the barn!  

Morning drivel alert..... Betsy shared this little kitchen tip when she was here a week ago.  I believe I am the very last person to know this.  The little red dot on the side of the cling wrap...... PUSH IT IN, locking the roll of plastic wrap in the box.  This tip will make my life infinitely better! 

The potter has returned to the building...... 
although the building is 52 degrees, but the throwing water is warm, as is the sheep skin I sit on.

a good way to start....... 

the days are ticking down to DeCordova show and orders need to be filled.....

Yesterday I said out loud....... Adapt or Die.  
Off all the things that circled round my brain, including listening to Michael Pollan, that phrase really popped out.  It's true in life, garden and studio.  As my body is aging I am adapting the way I do things. As the weather is changing my garden is changing.  As some of our natural resources (mines filled with minerals etc), political policies, and technology change so goes the studio.  This will be a year...... 

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