Sunday, June 28, 2020

Dog Karma and it's officially summer.........

Dog Karma has been inflicted!  Punishment is mine sayeth the dog!   Last night we had a rip'n storm roll through the 'hood.  Torrential rain, even biblical as it blew the tops off my rain barrels and flooded the garden.  The lightening show was glorious.  I was in awe as I ran around and shut windows and listened to the wind.  Kirby was up and quaking on the landing.  Sat with him for a few minutes, turned the fan on him and invited him to lay next to the window AC unit.  Nope, not leaving the landing or the fan.  I went to bed and watched the lightening show bounce off the walls and ceiling.  We needed this rain, badly.  
I ran between the rain drops at 6 am to let the doodle girls out of the coop.  Kirby was passed out on the landing, head hanging over the top step and tongue hanging out.  He'd been out on a bender or had finally succumbed to passing out and sleeping the dead sleep.  I filled his bowl, jingled the car keys and nothing.  The coffee pot chugged away on the counter and Butch came down ........ wow I guess it rained?  Wow look at that wind.  Good Morning Clueless!  How do you sleep through rumbling thunder, light shows, howling wind..... ya let's talk about the dead sleep.  And ant walks across the bathroom floor, I hear it and I am up in full combat mentality.  Take no prisoners, red alert! 

 Two cups of hot coffee and we were off to the lake.  
I love the lake when it's stormy, unbridled and wild.  We left our coffee on the dash and noticed I didn't need a poop bag.  How weird, I mentioned, it seemed not quite right without a dog by my side and a couple poop bags shoved in my back pocket.  Oh well it was a quick trip to see the lake, walk the beach early before anyone else got there and get home before Kirby woke up.  It was great!  The sky was electric, the wind was in my face, the seagulls were everywhere catching wind pockets and indeed all the birds were full on wind sailing.  My feet were moving, my head was looking up and I never ever saw the curb I fell over.  Talk about ass over tin can!  Glasses flying, belly first into a puddle, my chin hit the cement curb, my neck snapped back, my knees hit the asphalt, my wrist braced for impact and shit!  Ok even without my glasses I could see a couple guys who just pulled in the parking lot cruise slowly past my mangled wet body laying on the pavement.  I groped for my glasses as Butch came running around the car; OMG you just disappeared!   Yup and without a wand.  My very first thought; this would have never happened if I'd had the dog!  We both said it and we both knew it was true. 

 I am always so worried about Kirby running into things or tripping; I am laser focused on any hurdles that might get in his way.  He knows the word "step".  I say STEP and he stops and with one paw gently feels around.  Finding the step, he carefully makes his way up or down until he gets "there".  He has done up to 102 steps at a state park we hiked.  We are a well oiled machine and I was missing half of walking buddy.  No dog? Suffer the consequences, dog karma is a bitch.   

I rode home; wet, sore and missing my dog.  Walked in the door, took two aspirin, got the sniff test, the knowing judgement, BY THE DOG, you had cheated and gone to the beach without him.  He followed me up the stairs and as I stripped off soaking wet clothes and I swore to all the dogs that had come before him I would never leave him home again.  I explained that it happened so fast and I knew I was really lucky that I didn't break my teeth or neck.  He sniffed my bruised chin and we sat on the top step; him silent and me stroking his fur.  My blood pressure went down and I felt better.  

We got this thing going and it keeps us both safe so we are just going to keep it like that.  

Women and their dogs are just...... well no words are necessary but it's been going on a long time.

Just an Edwardian Lady and her dogs.

Tasha Tudor

no introduction needed.....

And of course, Beatrix Potter.......