Tuesday, December 21, 2010

random emails.......

In this day and age of rapid fire email I have started responding to some of the stuff that filters in.

Hey if they are going to deposit an unsolicited email in my inbox I can give the gift back, right?

And it can be about anything I choose to ramble about, right? 
Sending lovely little letters about the library in Benin, 
their over indulgent lifestyle (and I always send the latest fashion trends of Guinagourou!) or even my website.

Today .................
I get this unsolicited email complete with pictures telling me it's about the light......  and fashion. 

Here is the picture in the unsolicited email from these lovely folks:

 "SoCurio:  your guide to discovering art"

Oh look and a photograph for $5,000!  What a steal!  The woman above is the curator of the month.
She can help me discover art and apparently, a real bargin.

Well I couldn't stop myself and picked out a random email address, to an editor at large and sent her what fashion really is all about and suggested she send it on to her clients; The Kardashian's.   Thank you very much!

The Fashion-ista's of Guinagourou

Told her I was sitting here trying to figure out how to sustain a $60 a month salary for a librarian in Benin, did you read that?  Salary - $60 a month and anyway the contrast was a bit startling.  Wow, she responded.  Ok this makes me laugh and go for the jugular. 

 Last month, a Jewish rabbi, Mark Miller from Houston, Texas mistakenly emailed his sermon to my in box.  I emailed back ...... how could I stop myself?


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